Financial Aid
You shouldn’t miss out on your education just because of money. Our office will help you find and secure the resources you need to keep you in college and meet your educational goals.
School code: 003558
Text Financial Aid: (940) 353-0053
Email: finaid@nctc.edu
Student Connections
need help undertsanding student loans and repayments? click Below.

Types of Financial Aid
The surest way of securing financial aid is to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). NCTC's school code is 003558.
Unlike a loan, grants don’t have to be paid back unless you reduce your course load, never attend or quit attending class, or withdraw from school before the end of the semester. Grants are determined by level of income.
Work Study
Federal Work-Study (FWS) and Texas College Work-Study (CWS) are work programs where you can earn up to the amount listed on your award letter. All jobs are located on various campuses.
Student loans can get you large amounts of money, but must be paid back with interest. Loans are legal obligations, so before you take out a loan, think about the amount you'll have to repay over the years.
Scholarships are grants or payments awarded on the basis of academic achievement, merit, need, classification, etc. All scholarships are evaluated and awarded through the Scholarship Office.
Veterans Services
Veterans of the US armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of programs and services from the VA. Eligibility for most VA benefits is based on discharge from active military service under anything other than dishonorable conditions.
Important Dates
FAFSA Priority Deadlines
Fall — May 1
Spring — October 1
Summer — March 1
Financial Aid Portal
With the new online Financial Aid system, you can now access all your financial aid information conveniently online.
You can:
Check the status of their FAFSA® Application
View a list of documents the Financial Aid Office has received and a list of documents still outstanding
View their financial aid awards
View their student loan history from NSLDS
Check the status of their student loans for the current year
Accepting Financial Aid
Let the Financial Aid office walk you through your Financial Aid options, including grants and loans, and how to accept your aid!
Use of Funds
Financial Aid funds are used only to pay for your education expenses at the school that is giving you the money. Education expenses include charges such as tuition, fees, housing and food, and indirect expenses like books, supplies, equipment, child care expenses, transportation, Federal Student Loan fees, computer expenses, personal items, professional licensures, cooperative education cost, disability related expenses, and study abroad programs.
Estimated Cost of Attendance
In-District — $6,285
Out-of-District — $6,285
Out-of-State — $6,285
In-District — $2,100
Out-of-District — $2,100
Out-of-State — $2,100
In-District — $2,430
Out-of-District — $2,430
Out-of-State — $2,430
In-District — $1,962
Out-of-District — $1,962
Out-of-State — $1,962
In-District — $15,927
Out-of-District — $18,627
Out-of-State — $21,777
NOTE: Costs calculated at 30 hours per academic year, off campus.
Official Cohort Default Rates for Schools
A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school's borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loans or William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans during a particular federal fiscal year (FY), October 1 to September 30, and default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year.
The U.S. Department of Education released official cohort default rates once per year.
The FY 2020 national cohort default rate is 0.0%.
The FY 2020 cohort default rate for North Central Texas College is 0.0%.
The FY 2019 cohort default rate for North Central Texas College is 3.8%.
There’s more.
It’s not just how to apply for financial aid, there’s a lot you need to understand about your financial aid awards and how academic performance, policies, and other factors can impact them.
Our FAQ is a great resource for quickly finding answers to your questions.
There are resources and calculators to help you estimate the amount of aid you may need or can receive. You also have access to lists of downloadable PDF forms you may need to make changes your information or your financial aid.