Sexual Misconduct & Title IX
North Central Texas College (NCTC) District strictly prohibits sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, interpersonal violence and any other harassment or discrimination based on sex perpetrated against or by any employee, student or third party in all educational, extracurricular, co-curricular, employment and College District-sponsored activities, services or programs, by any employee, student, or third party.
NCTC is a recipient of federal financial assistance for education activities, and in accordance with provisions of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, all of its education programs and activities are subject to the prohibition of Title IX of that act against discrimination on the basis of gender in any education program or activity.
On May 19, 2020 Title IX was amended to include dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking in its definition of sexual harassment and prescribe specific requirements for investigating and responding to allegations of sex discrimination, dating violence, domestic violence, retaliation, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking.
NCTC is committed to compliance with Title IX, which prohibits dating violence, domestic violence, retaliation, sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking in federally funded education programs and activities.
The NCTC Board of Regents reveiwed and approved the New Title IX Regulations of 2020. In addition, the NCTC’s Title IX Coordinator(s) shall review all College sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking policies every two (2) years, and shall revise each policy as required and in compliance with College Board of Regents’ Policies and State / Federal law.
Reporting Anonymously
Reporting any sexual assault or misconduct is critical. The report can be submitted anonymously.
Bystander Intervention
See. Say. Do Something.
Active Bystander Intervention occurs when a person, other than the perpetrator(s) or victim(s), observes or witnesses prohibited conduct which involves acts of sexual violence or misconduct, and takes immediate and safe action to stop and/or prevent it.
If it is not safe to intervene, the bystander should immediately call 911 or NCTC Campus Safety Department, (940) 668-4270.
Reporting. Responsibilities. Resources
NCTC has resources to help you report an incident and deal with the aftermath. Don’t be afraid to reach out to an advocate. We are here for you.
Chief Executive Officer Report
Under the Texas Education Code (TEC), Section 51.253(c), the institution's Chief Executive Officer is required to submit a data report at least once during each fall or spring semester to the institution's governing body and post on the institution's internet website a report concerning the reports received by employees under the TEC, Section 51.25 2 the type of incident described in the employee's report constitutes "sexual harassment," sexual assault," "dating violence," or "stalking" as defined in the TEC, Section 51.251, and any disciplinary actions taken under TEC, Section 51.2 55.

“College District policies on sexual harassment, sex discrimination and any forms of sexual misconduct addresses Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), where no person in the United States "shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" and harassment or violence based on sex is a form of discrimination.”
Learn more.
Learn about what misconduct, consent, and other terms mean by reading our Glossary of Terms. Become familiar with NCTC Title IX Policies addressing sexual misconduct and discrimination.
Title IX Training
2020 Title lX Regulations
Husch Blackwell LLP -
Developing and Maintaining Professional Relationships
Texas A&M University System -
Title IX Training for Faculty
Idaho State University -
Title lX & Sexual Harassment Response - Advanced Course
Husch Blackwell LLP -
Final Title IX Regulations and Their Effect on Your Campus
Husch Blackwell LLP -
Title IX: Institutional Advisor Training
Husch Blackwell LLP -
Federal Compliance Update: Title IX Regulatory Update
HuschBlackwell -
Ten Things to Know About the New lX Regulations
ATIXA (contact ATIXA for training materials) -
Title lX: Hearing Officer and Decision Maker
ATIXA (contact ATIXA for training materials) -
Proposed Title lX Regulations
Grand River Solutions -
UNT Law Conference: Title IX Legal Issues Updates Discussion
Scott Lewis: The NCHERM Group, LLC
Contact us.
911 for emergencies!
Title IX Coordinator
Any person with knowledge of any act(s) or alleged act(s) of sexual harassment, sex discrimination or other form of sexual misconduct can report such incident(s) to the Title IX Coordinator. The College District has designated the Title IX Coordinator to monitor the implementation of Title IX, and to coordinate compliance and investigation of sexual misconduct complaints.
Dr. Roxanne Del Rio
Director of Title IX
(940) 498-6245
NCTC Police Department
Nicole Shaw
Police Chief
(940) 668-4270
Counseling Services/ CARES
Campus Assessment Response Evaluation Services
The CARES Incident Report Form is the College District's online reporting form which also allows for Anonymous Reporting.
Corinth: (940) 498-6445
Flower Mound: (972) 899-8402
Bowie/Graham/Gainesville: (940) 668-4207
Law Enforcement Agency
Any complainant choosing to pursue criminal action in addition to, or instead of, making a report through the College District report source under this policy can contact law enforcement directly.
North Central Texas College District
Campus Police (940) 668-4270
Gainesville Campus
City of Gainesville Police (940) 668-7777
Cooke County Sheriff (940) 665-3471
Corinth Campus
City of Corinth Police (940) 498-3200
Denton County Sheriff (940) 349-1600
City of Denton Police (940) 249-8181
Flower Mound Campus
City of Flower Mound Police (972) 539-0525
City of Lewisville Police (972) 219-3600
Bowie Campus
City of Bowie Police (903) 872-2251
Bowie County Sheriff (903) 798-3149
Graham Campus
City of Graham Police (940) 549-6441
Young County Sheriff (940) 549-1555
Coordination with Law Enforcement Agencies
Some Prohibited Conduct (e.g. sexual assault, domestic partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking) may also constitute a violation of criminal law. Thus, in addition to reporting Prohibited Conduct to the Title IX Coordinator, persons having knowledge of a Prohibited Conduct which involves a crime, such as sexual assault, sexual battery or acts of sexual violence have the right and are strongly encouraged to report such conduct to the NCTC Police Department, or local law enforcement agency for off-campus conduct for their own protection and that of the College District Community.
Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
A complaint must be filed within 180 days of the date of alleged Prohibited Conduct, unless an extension is granted by OCR enforcement agent. Although is the right of the Complainant to file with OCR, the College District highly encourages Complainants to file a report of Prohibited Conduct to the Title IX Coordinator as all complaints are taken seriously and shall be investigated promptly and equitably. If a Complainant has used the College District's complaint process, and is unsatisfied with the outcome, the Complainant may file a complaint with OCR within sixty 60 days after the final decision of the College District.
More Resources
Pregnant & Parenting Student Resources
View resources for students who are pregnant or parents.
Meet our NCTC Counselors and schedule an appointment.
Suicide Prevention
Learn more about suicide prevention including the warning signs and resources available.
Student with Disabilities
Resources for students with disabilities or in need of special accommodations.