NCTC Policies & Disclaimers
North Central Texas College (NCTC) is an equal opportunity employer. NCTC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, genetics, equal pay, or any other legally protected characteristic. NCTC prohibits harassment on the basis of a legally protected characteristic and/or retaliation for reporting a complaint.
This is an accessibility statement from North Central Texas College (NCTC).
Measures to support accessibility
NCTC takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of NCTC:Integrate accessibility into our procurement practices.
Appoint an accessibility officer and/or ombudsperson.
Provide continual accessibility training for our staff.
Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods.
Utilize robust accessibility assessment and analytics software to ensure WACG Accessibility compliance.
Conformance status
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. NCTC is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard. We are still over 90% conformant.Feedback
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of NCTC. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on NCTC:Phone: (940) 688-4256
E-mail: marketing@nctc.edu
Visitor Address:
1525 West California Street
Gainesville, TX 76240
We try to respond to feedback within 1-2 business days.
This statement was created on 6 June 2022 using the W3C Accessibility Statement Generator Tool.
NCTC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any or all formalities. NCTC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability in employment, or the provision of services.
North Central Texas College (NCTC) policies and regulations require established standards and procedures consistent with organizational requirements. This procedure provides notice, including standards and responsibilities, for user privacy when using NCTC websites. This privacy policy covers all NCTC websites unless otherwise indicated on a specific website.
Download the Full Online Privacy Notice
Contact Office:
Information Technology Services (ITS)
Gainesville, 940-668-4284
DIR Security Control Standards Catalog
The Board of Regents of the North Central Texas Community College District recognizes the importance of public records as the record of the College's actions and the repository of information about the College. With certain exceptions,subject to law, NCTC policy and administrative regulations, NCTC shall make the public records of the College available for public access and duplication to requestors, in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, found at Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code. Academic transcripts and educational records are not open records under the law. (See NCTC Student Handbook for more about FERPA.)
To request information regarding student record information such as grades, transcripts, and verifications, please Request a Transcript
To download forms and obtain important information regarding the Texas Public Information Act, view the website of the Texas Attorney General's Office.
To whom at NCTC do I address a public information or open records request?
Melinda Carroll
Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management
North Central Texas College
1525 W. California Street
Gainesville, TX 76240
(940) 668-3315
OpenRecords@nctc.eduIn what form should I submit my request?
As allowed by state law, NCTC requires that all requests for open records must be submitted in writing. (This needs to be a part of Board Policy.) If a request is submitted by postal or hand-delivered letter (rather than email or fax, see below), the law does not technically require that it be addressed to the Open Records Officer. However, there is a much better chance that such a written communication will be more quickly identified and "reasonably be judged to be a request for public information" if it is addressed to the Open Records Officer. This will also decrease the possibility of it being lost or misrouted and increase the likelihood of a more prompt response.
May I submit my request by email or fax?
Yes. However, state law provides that NCTC can designate a person who is authorized to receive e-mailed or faxed requests for open records. Because NCTC has made such a designation, the Public Information Act is only activated if an email or fax request is directed to that assigned individual. Pursuant to Section 552.301(c), Government Code, the Open Records Officer named above has been designated to receive all email and/or fax requests for public information. NCTC is not responsible for responding to email and fax requests sent to any email address or fax number other than those for the Open Records Officer cited above.
What should my open records request include?
Requests to NCTC for records under the Public Information Act must be in writing. Including the following information in your request will help ensure that you receive the information you want (this information is particularly important if you submit an email request):
Telephone NumberDescribe the documents that you desire and be specific. If you don't know exactly what documents may be involved, describe the information you are seeking as specifically as possible, and NCTC will determine if responsive documents exist.
NCTC is prohibited by law from asking you the purpose of your request, but you may provide it if you believe it would help us gather the information you request.
Specify a timeframe for the documents you are requesting, e.g. "monthly financial reports issued the the college since May of this year" or "from May 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011".
How long will it take to answer my request?
As provided by law, NCTC will respond to a request for information promptly but no later than 10 business days after the request is received. The date received is "day zero," and the first business day following is "day one" of 10. It should be understood that a response issued by the college within this 10-day period may or may not constitute full compliance with the request. For example, the college may seek clarification or a narrowing of the scope of the request from the requestor; it may exercise its right to seek an Attorney General's Office opinion on whether some material requested is releasable or privileged; or, due to the scope of the request, it may simply request additional time to locate, compile, and reproduce all of the documents being requested. If extra time is needed, NCTC will inform the requestor as promptly as possible and set a date to provide it within a reasonable time.
Is there any charge for the documents I request?
Possibly, but this depends of the number of documents requested, in what form the information exists, and what processes (such as data manipulation or computer programming) may be involved in locating, compiling and reproducing them. For more information about charges for public information, go online.
The objective of the North Central Texas College (NCTC) Social Media Policy is to provide a framework to guide NCTC's participation in various social media in order to foster relationships with important stakeholders in NCTC's continued success. These stakeholders include potential, existing, and past students; faculty and staff; and the community at large. Through the use of such media, NCTC encourages the building of online communities in order to achieve the following objectives: to enhance instruction; to inform our stakeholders of NCTC activities and developments; to increase new enrollment as well as retention; and to provide an outlet for the free and open exchange of ideas and experiences.Definition & Scope
For the purposes of this policy, "social media" is defined as any online platform that allows for social interaction or discussion and allow for the publishing of shared media content (such as photos, videos, etc.). These platforms include, but are not limited to, NCTC-sponsored blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and MySpace.The scope of this policy includes such outlets that are representative of and maintained by official NCTC departments, organizations, or courses.
The role of the Social Committee is primarily that of an advisory body and administrative arm, not that of policy enforcement. It is ultimately the responsibility of the administrator(s) of any NCTC social media presence to ensure that all users adhere to the dictates of the social media policy.Incidences of prohibited content or conduct on NCTC social media sites should be reported to site administrator or the Social Media Committee. Any illegal conduct and/or activity clearly in violation of the general NCTC Student Conduct Regulations/Restrictions (as per the student handbook) should be reported to the office of the Vice President of Student Services. This includes instances of harassment, threats, bullying, self-harm, and other such behaviors.
General complaints and concerns will be reviewed by the Social Media Committee, who will work in conjunction with the site administrators and with any other pertinent NCTC departments to ensure that such sites are maintained in adherence to all pertinent NCTC policies and procedures.
Site Registration
All social media sites that are representative of and/or maintained by official NCTC departments, organizations, or courses must register with the Social Media Committee.Registration may be performed via email. The following information must be provided:
NCTC Department, Organization, etc. represented
Administrators for the site and their contact information
URL/Hyperlink to the site
Each site must have at least two administrators.
Each social media site must be maintained. It is recommended that social media sites be checked and/or updated at least twice per week. Sites that are not maintained may be subject to removal.
Approved sites will be notified by the Social Media Committee. All approved sites must adhere to dictates of the NCTC social media policy.
Use of Name & Logos
All North Central Texas College social media sites must use "North Central Texas College" as part of their name.It is highly recommended that social media sites use both "North Central Texas College" and "NCTC" as part of their online name. Using both terms clarifies both the source of the site and allows for greater flexibility in searching for the site online.
It is highly recommended that NCTC social media sites use an official NCTC Logo as their avatar/profile picture. When using an NCTC logo, social media sites must use the official logo (or a customized logo devised by the NCTC marketing team) in compliance with the guidelines dictated by the NCTC marketing team.
Allowances will be made for sites created prior to the implementation of the current Social Media Policy.
Prohibited Content
North Central Texas College reserves the right to alter, delete, or remove without notice any content at its absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever.Individuals may choose to file a complaint with the NCTC Social Media Committee. The Committee will review the posting to determine if it is in violation of the guidelines and therefore subject to removal.
The following types of content are prohibited on North Central Texas College social media sites:
Derogatory, demeaning, threatening, harassing or libelous statements directed toward or in reference to any third party.
Inappropriate or incriminating images deemed obscene or involving hazing, sexual harassment, vandalism, stalking, underage drinking, illegal drug use, or any other inappropriate behavior or using inappropriate language.
Content that violates any local, state, or federal laws--including laws governing obscenity and copyright.
Content that constitutes scholastic dishonesty as defined by the NCTC regulations regarding student conduct. This includes using NCTC social media to for purposes of plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration on a test.
Partisan political activity
Statements endorsing or promoting religious faith or belief
Online gambling
Using NCTC social media for non-NCTC related relationships
Any conduct deemed to be illegal and/or in violation of the general NCTC Student Conduct Regulations/Restrictions (as per the student handbook) will be reported to the office of the Vice President of Student Services. This includes instances of harassment, threats, bullying, self-harm, and other such behaviors.
Political & Religious Speech
Partisan/political activity and religious speech are prohibited on NCTC social media sites. However, such speech may be judged appropriate by the Social Media Committee for extracurricular organizations dedicated to such activities. In these cases, such activity is only appropriate within the confines of such dedicated sites and should not spill over into official NCTC social media avenues.Copyright
All content posted to North Central Texas College social media pages are subject to copyright laws. Any adaptation, reproduction, or communication of such content without the express written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited.Terms of Use
By posting content to any NCTC social media page, you agree that all content submitted, posted, transmitted, or shared by you will be subject to the provisions of the NCTC Social Media policy and, further, will not infringe on the rights of any third party, including (but not limited to) copyright, trademark, privacy, or contain any defamatory, discriminatory, or any otherwise unlawful material.Linked Sites & Other Content
North Central Texas College accepts no responsibility or liability for the content of any site linked to its social media pages.User Generated Content
North Central Texas College accepts no responsibility or liability for any data, text, software, sound, images, video, messages, or any other materials or content generated by users publicly posted on NCTC social media pages. Any content found to be in violation of the NCTC Social Media Policy should be reported to the Social Media Committee.Site Administrator Content
The comments and postings on NCTC social media sites are those of the site administrators and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, policies, or strategies of North Central Texas College.Use of Photos
The use of students in photographs posted on NCTC-sanctioned social media pages must follow the precepts of the overall Photo Policy for the college (refer to the current NCTC Catalog for more details). As such, students should be advised that there is no attempt made to collect individual photo release forms from students. Students who do not wish to have their images/voices used for this purpose must stipulate this in writing to the office of the Vice President of Student Services at the beginning of the semester. It is also expected that such students will excuse themselves from photo/video sessions and inform the NCTC photographer that they do not wish to be included. All such photographs are the property of NCTC and may be used for NCTC promotional purposes without prior permission of the subjects. -
Texas Government Code Section 659.026(b) Information
North Central Texas College currently employs 372 full-time personnel.
The College will receive state appropriations of $11,723,836 and $11,723,836 for fiscal year 2020 and 2021.
The Human Resources Department, with approval from vice chancellors and Chancellor, determines the compensation of employees by using the established pay structures approved by the Board of Regents.
The College executive staff do not currently receive outside salary supplements.
A market average for similar executive staff in the private and public sectors is unknown.
The average compensation paid to employees who are not executive staff is $45,899.
The percentage increase in compensation of executive staff for each fiscal year of five preceding fiscal years is as follows:
FY20: 0%
FY19: 3.25%
FY18: 3%
FY17: 3.5%
FY16: 3.5%
The percentage increase in legislative appropriations to the agency each fiscal year of the five preceding fiscal years is as follows:
FY20: 12%
FY19: 3%
FY18: -3%
FY17: 1%
FY16: -4%
Texas Government Code Section 659.0201(b) Information
Texas Government Code, Section 659.0201(b) requires that a state agency that accepts a gift, grant, donation, or other consideration from a person that the person designates to be used as a salary supplement for an employee of the agency shall post on the agency’s internet website the amount of each gift, grant, donation, or other consideration provided by the person that is designated to be used as a salary supplement for an employee of the agency.
Currently, the following salary supplements are being paid by a donation: None.
The College does not accept donations designated for use as salary supplements per NCTC Board Policy DEA (Local).
Currently, the following salary supplements are being paid by a grant: North Central Texas College receives grant funding from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for the Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program to supplement the salaries of nursing faculty members in order to be able to attract qualified instructors in competition with other employers. Last year, the College received $297,938, a portion of which was disbursed among eligible nursing faculty members.
(Source: Fiscal Affairs, Human Resources, and Payroll Departments)
Last Updated: 1/8/2021
North Central Texas College (NCTC) provides all information on its website as a public service, with the understanding that the College strives to achieve the highest standards in content accuracy. However, the College makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information provided and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the content of this website. Errors or omissions should be reported to the Webmaster via the form below.
Visitors to our website might see links to Internet resources outside of the College’s website. These links are provided solely for the convenience of our website users and the College disclaims any responsibility or liability for the services or information offered at all non-College sites and makes no representations or warrantees concerning their content. The College does not endorse any outside sites linked from our website.
The College makes every reasonable effort to accurately present its programs and policies to the public on its website. However, with regard to all printed and electronic information, the College reserves the right to modify or eliminate courses or programs and/or to add, amend, or repeal any and all information, rules, regulations, policies, cost estimates and procedures at any time at its sole and exclusive discretion. The College assumes no responsibility for publication errors or omissions.Feedback & Reporting
We welcome all comments and suggestions and appreciate your reporting to us any issues or error on the website. If you find any errors or wish to report an issue with the website, contact the Webmaster at marketing@nctc.edu.Please, email if you have found an issue (broken link, misspelling, inaccurate information) on a specific page, so you can include the URL (copy & paste). It will make fixing the problem go much faster. Thank you.