eLearning & eCampus
Take your classes online, on your schedule.
The mission of the eLearning Department is to grow and develop distance learning opportunities for a diverse and rapidly changing student population. We strive to accommodate a wide range of online student needs and learner preferences.
You can expect the same high-quality courses online as those taught on-campus. In online courses, students communicate regularly with their instructor and peers through a variety of applications, such as course email, discussion forums, and real-time chats.
Meet the eLearning Team
Courtney Thompson
Curriculum / Instructional Designer
Title V - Pathways to Completion
I can help with: Student Engagement, Curriculum Development, Course Alignment, and Faculty Collaboration
Phone: (972) 899-9701 ext. 4015
Email: cdthompson@nctc.edu
Yenny Zhou
Instructional Designer
Title V - Pathways to Completion
I can help with: Home Pages, Media Design, Interactivity, Graphic Design, Story Boarding, and Student Engagement
Phone: (940) 498-6476
Email: fmo@nctc.edu
Cindy Wittrock
eLearning Coordinator
I can help with: Canvas Accounts, Admin Role Management, eCampus Help Desk, Tech Support, and LTI Integration
Phone: (940) 668-7731 ext. 4966
Email: cwittrock@nctc.edu
Joshua Spradling
Instructional Designer
I can help with: Tech Support, LTI Integration, Master Courses, Video Editing, Canvas Trainings, Home Pages, and Media Design
Phone: (972) 899-9701 ext. 4511
Email: jspradling@nctc.edu
Connect with us for Canvas Support
1300 Building
Everyday during hours of operation
Faculty Suites, Room 201 or Room 307
everyday during hours of operation
Flower Mound
Faculty workroom
Every Tuesday & Thursday during hours of operation
Faculty workroom, Room 214
Every Tuesday & Friday during hours of operation
Bowie & Graham
Available via Webex
Champions Circle
Conference Room
Every Thursday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Canvas Workshop Series
Every Thursday @ 2:00 PM
Elevate your teaching skills this Spring with our Canvas Workshop Series! Exclusively for NCTC employees and instructors, these live mini-webinars take place every Thursday at 2PM this Fall through the Canvas Faculty Group. Whether you're new to Canvas or looking to sharpen your skills, we offer beginner and intermediate tips, tricks, and tools to enhance your online instruction.
No need to register—just join the WebEx meeting and level up your Canvas skills!
03/06/2025 - Canvas Updates with Cindy Wittrock
03/13/2025 - ChatGPT for Beginners with Courtney Thompson
03/27/2025 - Canvas Inbox with Josh Spradling
04/03/2025 - Lucid Visual Collaboration with Josh Spradling
04/10/2025 - Versatile Canvas Tables with Yenny Mo
04/17/2025 - Genially Home Pages with Yenny Mo
04/24/2025 - WebEx Classroom Collaboration with Axel Leos
05/01/2025 - PPT Glow-Up: Canva Slides with Axel Leos
05/08/2025 - Respondus with Cindy Wittrock
05/15/2025 - Assignment Remix with Courtney Thompson
technical support
Contact the eCampus Help Desk
If a technical issue requires immediate help, such as exam not functioning properly in Canvas, please call the eCampus Help Desk at (940) 668-4243.
For technology support with NCTC Systems not managed by the eLearning Department, including NetID login assistance, GoPrint, ShoreTel, campus hardware, MyNCTC and other network and AV systems, please visit the ITS Department.
Student Resources
These resources can help students determine if online classes are right for them, help students understand our online campus and Canvas, and assist you in academic and student success as an online or in-person learner.
Are online classes right for you?The SmarterMeasure diagnostic tool assesses your likelihood for succeeding in an online course. It measures self-motivation, time management skills, self-discipline, reading comprehension, and general technology experience. It also provides feedback to help you decide if distance learning is right for you.
Username: nctcstudent
Password: SmarterMeasure (Case sensitive) -
NCTC eCampus is comprised of specialized systems and their users (e.g., students, faculty, and staff). eCampus uses Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) as its central platform. All online and hybrid courses are delivered through Canvas. Face-to-face courses may also use Canvas to share content, communicate, and deliver assessments. You can log into Canvas through Onelogin.
Please remember that your official netID@student.nctc.edu email address is also the primary email address associated with your Canvas account. You can add additional contact methods to your Canvas account, but you cannot remove your netid@student.nctc.edu address from your Canvas account. This is necessary to ensure communication between student and instructor, and distribution of important system-wide information.
A full listing of online or hybrid courses for the semester can be found using the MyNCTC Course Search. Be sure your computer meets the technology requirements for online or hybrid courses.
Online Library
Tutoring Services
Disability Accommodations
Faculty Resources
Webex Office Hours allows a student to sign up for a one-on-one meeting with the instructor during days/times designated by the instructor as office hours. The meetings can be recorded, if desired, and the recording will be available only to the student and instructor. When a student signs up for a certain time slot, Webex send a notice to both the student and the instructor that the meeting has been scheduled. When it is time for the meeting to begin, the instructor starts the Webex meeting. Once the office hours are set by the instructor in one course, those office hours carry over to every course and are set for the semester.
Please see detailed instructions in the Webex Office Hours module in the Faculty Group in Canvas.
Instructors can use Canvas Conferences for office hours by creating a conference and only inviting the one student who has requested a meeting. Scheduling for these office hours can be accomplished by using the “Appointment Group” tool in the Canvas Calendar. Please see more details in the Faculty Group.
If instructors choose to use any other meeting application, they will be responsible for ensuring the privacy of all student information. The eLearning Department does not support applications outside of the Canvas LMS.
Online Library
Online Bookstore
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Everyone deserves a positive educational experience. Sometimes your experience may not be what you anticipate, and you may have a concern or a complaint.
An online course is delivered 80% - 100% online. A hybrid course is delivered 30% - 79% online.
NCTC eCampus is comprised of specialized systems and their users (e.g., students, faculty, and staff). The central platform to NCTC eCampus is the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). All online and hybrid courses at NCTC are delivered via Canvas. Face-to-face courses may also use Canvas to share content, communicate, and deliver assessments. You log in to Canvas through Onelogin.
Other systems, each providing a specific capability, integrate into Canvas, such as Respondus Lockdown Browser and VeriCite Originality Check. In addition, most 3rd party publisher content, such as McGraw-Hill and Pearson products, now integrate with Canvas.
Expect to spend at least the same amount of time for an online course as you would a face-to-face course (class time plus outside assignments).
You must have access to a computer with Internet and email capability when you enroll in an online or hybrid course. While it may be possible to do some of your work in a computer lab, it is difficult to take a distance learning course without having a computer and Internet connection at home. Basic computer requirements for Canvas are available in the Canvas Community.
Here is the list of supported browsers for Canvas.
Admission requirements are the same for all NCTC students, regardless of whether the courses taken are online, hybrid, or face-to-face. Students must meet NCTC entrance requirements in order to enroll in online courses. Qualifying students register online after completion of an academic advising session. Visit the Office of Admissions to learn more about admission requirements.
Please visit the Registrar Office for the NCTC course drop policies.
New Canvas accounts are usually created within 24 hours of registration. Canvas accounts carryover from the previous semester.
All online courses begin the first day of the semester. Please check the NCTC course schedule for the exact date. Online students are expected to login to Canvas on the first day of class. When you login to your online course, you will see the expectations and deadlines for the course. Online courses are NOT self-paced. Each instructor has a schedule with assignment due dates. Online courses end on the last day of finals for the semester. See the Academic Calendar for the exact date each semester.
Students can access Canvas from the college homepage, or directly by using Onelogin.
Every student is provided a Canvas account with a username and password. Use the NetID username (ex. DoeJ123456) and password - studentID number (followed by two zeros if the ID number has only 7 digits) to access Canvas. If you register early, your NetID is available the week before classes begin.
If you register during regular or late registration, it is available approximately 24 hours after you register. Go to MyNCTC to retrieve your username.
You can access your online course the same day courses begin on campus. Be sure to login to your course the first day of the semester.
Please visit Academic and Student Support Services to learn about the services offered to students all students.
Canvas is a secure, password protected learning environment. Only your instructor, system administrators, and students enrolled in the course have access to course content. A student has access to only his or her grades and cannot see the grades of other students.
Contact your instructor. Check your course syllabus for contact information.
If you need technical support with any NCTC eCampus system, please contact the eCampus Help Desk.