Apply CLEP and/or AP Credit
If you passed an Advanced Placement (AP) test, you may be able to apply credit toward your total credit hours. If you qualify, you can take the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test to earn credit by exam. See if you qualify for AP, CLEP, or other credit by exam hours!
Request a Transcript
Get your official NCTC transcripts sent to your next college or employer — anywhere you need!
Drop or Withdraw from a Class
What’s the difference between a drop and a withdrawal? Timing. Timing of your drop or withdrawal can affect the amount of your refund, financial aid, and graduation date. Check when and how to drop or withdraw from classes.
Change Your Information
You need to keep your name, address, and contact information up to date. If you change your major, make sure we know about it too.
Transcript Evaluation
If you have transfer credit, you must fill out a Transcript Evaluation Request Form and submit official transcripts to NCTC. Get your credits applied early to keep your degree plan on track.
Helpful Forms
A list of downloadable guidelines, policy info, and forms all in one place.
We all have a right to our privacy. But you’ll want to understand clearly what information NCTC can and can’t share under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Contact us.
Email: registrar@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668-4289
Text: (940) 326-5519