What We Do
NCTC’s Campus Police and Security Guards are well-trained, commissioned peace officers with the same law enforcement and arrest authority granted any other police officer in the State of Texas.
The North Central Texas College Police Department (NCTCPD) provides policing services for all six campuses (Gainesville, Corinth, Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and Denton) as well as to the Midwestern State University Flower Mound campus. Our officers work closely with local, state, and federal agencies for the safety and security of the college.
All NCTC property is patrolled by both NCTCPD and local law enforcement, who work to ensure a fast and effective response to any calls for service.
It is the mission of the North Central Texas College Department of Public Safety to protect individual rights, maintain order, and prevent crimes against people and property while observing the highest ethical standards. In doing so, the department strives to reflect the institutional mission by providing a safe environment conducive to student success and education, earn the confidence of the public, and forge ongoing partnerships through our communities to support a safer academic environment.
A living and learning college environment in which everyone feels safe, policing is proactive, and the campus community experiences positive engagement from the Department of Public Safety.
The NCTC Department of Public Safety’s core values form the foundation on which its employees perform their duties. These values guide the conduct of our staff. They are an integral part of our daily operations and ensure that our personal and professional behavior reflect our highest traditions of excellence. The department must reflect the values of the institution as well as holding these departmental values as fundamental:
The conduct and demeanor of all staff shall display the highest standard of personal and organizational excellence.
All staff shall recognize the authority held in their respective positions and treat others with respect. The agency will faithfully, and without bias, honor our obligations to the community.
All staff shall demonstrate ethical decision-making and behavior to maintain the trust of the campus community.
All staff shall be dedicated to the mission of the college, the safety of our campus community and being a positive influence on student success through community policing. Any action, from normal to extreme, should be done without hesitation or protest for the safety and betterment of our community.
All staff shall strive for continual improvement, education, and training to elevate themselves, the department, and the campus community. The NCTC Department of Public Safety strives to be a leader in the communities we serve and maintain the respect of our fellow citizens and law enforcement partners.
Courtesy Services
NCTC Public Safety provides the following services to the campus community:
Building Access
Room Access
Safety/Courtesy Escorts
Vehicle Jumpstarts
Vehicle Unlocks
Extra Patrols
Violations of established NCTC policy, rules, and/or regulations by any student may be referred to the Student Services Office for appropriate disciplinary action.
Minor criminal offenses may be handled criminally, referred to the Student Affairs Office/Student Conduct, or both depending on the circumstances of the situation.
Serious offenses such as sexual assault (rape), murder, aggravated assault, robbery, auto theft, and other felony offenses reported to NCTCPD may involve joint investigation with local, state, or federal law enforcement. All such cases are taken very seriously and NCTCPD and the department fully supports and cooperates with all associated Title IX investigations and Clery Act responsibilities. When prosecuted, cases are filed in the appropriate court jurisdiction: municipal, justice of the peace, county, or district court.
Parking On-Campus
Read up on the rules and regulations regarding parking at NCTC’s campuses, public transit, and create your Parking Portal account to get your Parking Pass.
Campus Crime Information
NCTCPD maintains both daily and annual reports about crime, security, and fire emergencies on NCTC campuses. Updated policy and procedures are included in these reports, so you’re encouraged to regularly keep up with them. Annual Reports are updated and you will be notified by October 1st of each year.
Campus & Constitutional Carry
In 2015, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 11, which allows licensed persons to conceal carry a firearm on college or university campuses. On June 16, 2021, Governor Greg Abbott signed HB 1927, the Firearm Carry Act of 2021 (commonly known as the constitutional carry bill) into law that allows legally eligible gun owners 21 years and older to carry their firearms without a Texas License to Carry (LTC).
However, each institution was allowed to establish reasonable rule and regulations in complying with Senate Bill 11 and HB 1927 did not change any of the requirements for Campus Carry. You are encouraged to read all information regarding NCTC rules and regulations regarding Campus & Constitutional Carry.
Stay informed.
Use LionAlert and/or download the Campus Safety app. You can also check Real Time Weather for conditions that might affect your safety or campus closures.
Contact us.
Police Officers and public safety support personnel can be reached for each campus by calling the number below and selecting the appropriate number from the automated system.
If there is an immediate threat to life safety - dial 911.
For any non-emergency complaint, concern, or compliment, you can contact North Central Texas College Police Department Chief Nicole Shaw at anshaw@nctc.edu
Phone: (940) 668-4270
Fax: (866) 668-4270
Email: publicsafetyinfo@nctc.edu