Campus & Constitutional Carry
Carrying Firearms on NCTC Campuses
Texas has in the last few years passed laws regulating eligibility to carry a firearm on a college campus (Campus Carry) or in any public space in the state (Constitutional Carry). NCTC abides by state law, but we have the ability to work within the law to establish our own reasonable rules. As part of the NCTC community, you need to be familiar with what the law says and what our rules are.
Campus Carry
In 2015, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 11, which states the following:
A license holder may carry a concealed handgun on or about the license holder's person while the license holder is on the campus of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education in this state.
All public colleges and universities in Texas are required to comply with this law. Four-year institutions began implementation in August 2016 and two-year colleges are effective August 2017. Each institution is granted the ability to establish reasonable rules and regulations for carrying a concealed handgun on campus:
After consulting with students, staff, and faculty of the institution regarding the nature of the student population, specific safety considerations, and the uniqueness of the campus environment, the president or other chief executive officer of an institution of higher education in this state shall establish reasonable rules, regulations, or other provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on the campus of the institution or on premises located on the campus of the institution.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Campus carry does not equal Open Carry. House Bill 910 legalized the open carry of handguns in Texas for those who have a license to carry for, but the open carry law prohibits the open carry of handguns on the premises of institutions of higher education. Therefore, openly carrying a gun on any North Central Texas College campus is illegal.
Campus Carry FAQs
“Campus carry” refers to Texas Senate Bill 11, which allows individuals who are licensed to carry a handgun to carry the concealed weapon on college and university campuses in Texas. A handgun must be within immediate reach and under the licensed individual's control at all times and never made visible or left unattended. Review the NCTC Campus Carry Policy for additional details.
“Open carry” remains illegal on the premises of colleges and universities even though it was made lawful off campus. Open carry means the individual does not have to conceal the handgun from view as it is "open" for the public to see. Texas House Bill 910 — known as "open carry" — became law on January 1, 2016. One must still have a License to Carry (LTC) issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety in order to lawfully carry.
“Concealed carry” means the weapon is concealed from view. The handgun must be carried on or about the license holder’s body at all times and the handgun cannot be openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person. The campus carry bill only allows for concealed carry.
“Campus carry” goes into effect for North Central Texas College and other two-year colleges on August 1, 2017. Four-year universities were effective in August 2016. Private institutions have the option to opt-out of the law, but as a public institution, NCTC does not.
Those who obtain a License to Carry (LTC) issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety. This was previously known as a Concealed Handgun License (CHL).
According to the Department of Public Safety:
To obtain a license, applicants must be at least 21 years of age (unless active duty military) and must meet Federal qualifications to purchase a handgun. A number of factors may make individuals ineligible to obtain a license, such as: felony convictions, some misdemeanor convictions, including charges that resulted in probation or deferred adjudication; certain pending criminal charges; chemical or alcohol dependency; certain types of psychological diagnoses, and protective or restraining orders. The state eligibility requirements can be found in GC §411.172. The federal firearms disqualifiers can be found in 18 USC 44 §922.
Applicants must also submit a completed application, pay the required fees, complete all required training and submit required supplemental forms and materials. Applicants for an original (first-time) LTC should submit an online application, and schedule an appointment for fingerprinting. Applicants must also complete four to six hours of classroom training, pass a written examination and pass a proficiency demonstration (shooting). All classroom and proficiency must be conducted in Texas by a LTC instructor certified by DPS.
The NCTC Campus Carry Policy* outlines the areas and events that have prohibition of concealed carry. These areas include, but are not limited to:
Darwin Fields
Lion’s Field House
Athletic Complex
Chaloupecky Tennis Center
campus testing centers
areas used for administrative hearings
at certain special events
Licenseholders are instructed to look for the proper posted notice. You will see a sign or notice posted on a building or portion of a building in English and Spanish, and compliant with state law, indicating that carrying a concealed weapon is prohibited. If you need to access an area that has a posted notice of prohibition of concealed carry you may conceal and secure the firearm in a personal vehicle, but never leave a handgun unattended or out of immediate reach on campus.
Yes. Senate Bill 11 makes it legal for licensed holders to carry concealed handguns on campus, but not rifles and other weapons. Those items remain prohibited at NCTC.
No. The campus carry bill allows the college to establish certain locations and events where concealed handguns are prohibited. NCTC can not and does not generally prohibit concealed carry on campus in order to comply with state law. As a reminder, open carry is illegal on all Texas higher education campuses.
Anyone who feels threatened should call the NCTC Police Department at (940) 668-4270 or Emergency 911.
Contact NCTC Police at (940) 668-4270. If you are in Bowie or Graham, contact your local police department first and follow up with NCTC Police. Do not touch an unattended firearm or confront anyone with a visible gun. If you believe there is imminent danger, call 911.
NCTC Campus Carry Policy
The full campus carry policy is available as presented to the Board of Regents in June 2016. Please refer to this document for detailed information on the policies and procedures of North Central Texas College as they related to campus carry.
Constitutional Carry
On June 16, 2021, Governor Greg Abbott signed HB 1927, the Firearm Carry Act of 2021, (commonly known as the constitutional carry bill) into law. HB 1927 (commonly known as the constitutional carry bill) will allow legally eligible gun owners 21 years and older to carry their firearms without a Texas License to Carry (“LTC”) beginning September 1, 2021.
Constitutional Carry FAQs
Before you start carrying your everyday carry (“EDC”) gun openly or concealed without an LTC, there are several things you should know.
Allows law-abiding individuals age 21+ to carry a handgun openly (in a holster) or concealed in non-prohibited places for the protection of themselves and their families — without having to first obtain a License To Carry (“LTC”). Prohibitions on criminals possessing firearms remain in place (e.g., felons, fugitives from justice, individuals committed by the courts for mental illness, illegal aliens, domestic abusers, etc.); increases the penalty for felons in possession of a firearm.
Misuse of a handgun in a public place remains a criminal act.
Persons prohibited from possessing a firearm. 18 U.S.C. 922(g); Texas Penal Code 46.04.
Persons convicted within the past five years of misdemeanor bodily assault causing injury, deadly conduct, terroristic threat, or disorderly conduct (display or discharge) of a firearm. (Penal Code 22.01(a)(1), 22.05, 22.07, or 42.01(a)(7) or (8).)
Note: HB 1927 applies equally to Texas residents and out-of-state individuals.
If you are on someone else’s property—their property, their rules. Private businesses can prohibit unlicensed carry by giving notice under Penal Code 30.05. The penalty is a Class C misdemeanor and a maximum $200 fine if the individual leaves immediately when told.
HB 1927 maintains currently prohibited places for persons without an LTC.
Prohibited places include:
schools (including college premises)
polling places
courts or offices utilized by the court
airports past security
sporting events
correctional facilities
civil commitment facilities
nursing homes
mental hospitals
amusement parks
governmental open meetings
HB 1927 prohibits the unlicensed carrying in a public place while intoxicated.
Carry on Federal property is still restricted by federal law; note that it is a federal felony offense to carry onto post office property or military installation.
HB 1927 does not repeal existing LTC law. Texans who are eligible for an LTC can still obtain an LTC.
Continued benefits of an LTC:
Reciprocity (when carrying in other states that recognize the LTC)
Firearm purchases (those with an LTC receive a Federal exemption from a background check when purchasing a firearm from a dealer)
College campus carry
Carry in open meetings of governmental entities
In conclusion, on September 1, you are allowed to carry a handgun without a permit if you are not prohibited from doing so. If you plan on carrying a handgun on NCTC, you MUST have an LTC and the weapon MUST be concealed.
HB 1927 did not change any of the requirements for Campus Carry.
Campus Crime Information
NCTCPD maintains both daily and annual reports about crime, security, and fire emergencies on NCTC campuses. Updated policy and procedures are included in these reports, so you’re encouraged to regularly keep up with them. Annual Reports are updated and you will be notified by October 1st of each year.
Stay informed.
Use LionAlert and/or download the Campus Safety App and also check Real Time Weather for conditions that might affect your safety or campus closures.
Contact us.
Police Officers and public safety support personnel can be reached for each campus by calling the number below and selecting the appropriate number from the automated system.
If there is an immediate threat to life safety - dial 911.
For any non-emergency complaint, concern, or compliment, you can contact North Central Texas College Police Department Chief Nicole Shaw at anshaw@nctc.edu
Phone: (940) 668-4270
Fax: (866) 668-4270
Email: publicsafetyinfo@nctc.edu