Campus Housing
Residence Life at NCTC
On-campus housing is available only on the Gainesville Campus and is offered on a first come, first served basis. The campus has three housing buildings, Bonner Hall, the more traditional student dorm, Hays Hall and Equine Hall. Students wanting to reside in housing must have applied and been accepted to NCTC in order to access the housing application. Students residing in the spring or summer are not guaranteed a room in the fall and must apply separately.
How to Apply for Housing
Begin your journey with NCTC by applying to NCTC
After you have been accepted to NCTC, you will be provided with your NCTC student email, ID number, and instructions on how to login to OneLogin, enabling you to apply for housing.
On a Mobile Device:
Launch the OneLogin Portal App.
Access the MyNCTC app.
Locate the triple bar icon located at the top left corner, then choose the Admissions Tab.
Tap the blue arrow at the bottom left corner to reveal additional options, then select the Housing Application from the left sidebar.
Scroll down to find the Housing Application link within the Housing Application section, then proceed with your application.
On a laptop/desktop:
Visit the OneLogin Portal.
Open the MyNCTC app.
Navigate to the Admissions Tab.
Select the Housing Application option from the left sidebar.
Locate the Housing Application link within the Housing Application section in the top right corner, and initiate the application process.
Want to work at NCTC?
Apply to be a Resident Assistant.
The Housing & Residence Life Staff is composed of the Coordinator of Residence Life and six Resident Assistants (RA).
The Resident Assistant Application remains open in order to fill possible vacancies during and prior to each semester.
Resident Assistants are trained student-staff members who:
Facilitate the social, academic, and personal adjustment of students to the residence hall and NCTC
Create activities for residents
Develop a sense of community among residents
Assist with on-call rotation once a week and a minimum of four weekends per semester
Serve as a positive role model
Enforce the rules and policies of Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services.
Act as a liaison between residents and NCTC Student Life Administration Team
Receives free housing and meals as well as a private room
The Coordinator of Residence Life is a full-time live-in staff member who supervises and oversees the daily operations of the residence halls and is responsible for housing assignments for the residence halls for the Gainesville Campus. The Coordinator can be reached in their office located on the second floor of Bonner Hall. Access to Bonner Hall is limited to residents only, non-residents may call the office number (940) 668-4259 or email the Coordinator of Residence Life. Roommate information is available after August 1 and January 5.
Move In Tips
Move In Day
Both halls have convenient parking near the building. You might want to bring a dolly for easier moving. Parking regulations are generally relaxed for Move In Day so families can unload closer to the doors.
Most hall furniture is moveable. Popular items to bring are bed risers to create under-the-bed storage space (the furniture in Hays Hall is designed to be able to raise for under bed storage without additional lifters). Students often bring extra plastic drawer units, a reading lamp, electronic equipment and a computer. Some small appliances that students may bring are listed elsewhere under the appliances section of our Housing Policy Book.
For residents that will be living on-campus for the first time we have complied a user-friendly list of recommended items to bring and which items should be left at home. If you have any questions please ask our staff prior to purchasing.
Bathroom supplies
Bonner Hall Residents: bath robe, a shower caddy/tote, and shower shoes due to community style restrooms. Bonner Hall restrooms are cleaned daily by a commercial cleaning company. Hays Hall residents may bring cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and a shower curtain. Everyone will want to bring typical toiletry items.Cleaning Supplies
Residents are responsible for cleaning their own room. Hays hall residents are responsible for cleaning their bathroom.Clothing
While every room has hanging space and a dresser, you may run out of room for every piece of clothing (or pair of shoes) that you own. Think practically about what you will need/wear. If you're planning on going home at Thanksgiving or Winter Break, maybe you can trade out summer and winter clothing at that time.Hangers
Laundry supplies
Laundry basket or bag, detergent, fabric softener, stain fighters, etc. Free washers and dryers are located in Bonner Hall.Linens
wash cloths
pillow case
sheets, blankets, bedspreads, etc. — Beds are a standard twin size.
Sticky tape or Command Strips
Used to post pictures on the wall. Students that cause damage to the walls by posting items with nails or materials that are not removed will be charged for repairs.Trash Can
Study Lamp
Surge Protectors and Power Strips
Only allowable extension cords per Fire Marshall. Extension cords without surge protectors will be confiscated and the Fire Department may charge you a fine.
Suggested Items to coordinate with your roommate:
Gaming equipment, etc.
Cable is only provided in the common area lounges. Students wanting cable or faster wi-fi may contact the local cable provider for installation. Students should always respect the comfort of their neighbors and adjust the volume accordingly.
Must be under 800 watts and measure 18 X 18 X 24 inches per roommate or 18 X 18 X 48 per room. Be sure to coordinate with your roommate.Microwave
Must be under 800 watts. Be sure to coordinate with your roommate.Rug or Carpet
For Bonner Hall residents - the rooms have tile floors and are 12 X 15 square foot total space and there is a vanity and closets taking up some of that space.
Alcohol, drugs, and paraphernalia
Cooking Appliances with exposed heating elements
Extensions Cords
Halogen Lamps
Hot Plates
Inappropriate posters or signs that create a hostile living environment
String Lights
Toaster Ovens
Weapons (including but not limited to fireworks, ammunition, explosives, BB guns, martial arts equipment, swords, bows, arrows, rifles, knives, and decorative weapons)
The following items are allowed in the Bonner Hall kitchen area. If they are found in the residents' rooms they will be confiscated due to breaking the fire safety rule of leaving items plugged in inside the resident's room.
Coffee Maker
George Foreman Grills
Crock Pots/Slow Cookers
To check if an item is allowed in the residence halls, please contact the Coordinator of Residence Life at housing@nctc.edu.
Health Insurance
Remind your student how to access your health insurance. Residence hall staff cannot dispense medication and NCTC does not have a health clinic on-campus.Holiday Housing
If residents are from out of state, parents need to consider their children's plans for in between semesters as NCTC does not provide housing during this time to allow our staff to be with their families and to take vacations. Although NCTC provides housing during Thanksgiving and Spring Break; meals are not provided.Food
Students will eat outside their meal plan, although at NCTC we contract with Great Western Dining for meals from Monday breakfast through Friday lunch. There is an abundant supply of food that is readily available. Students usually keep a few snacks and beverages in their rooms.Internet & Cable
Students that choose these services in their room will deal directly with a local provider and be responsible for the payment as well as fees associate if they switch rooms. NCTC provides two televisions in the residence hall common areas for students to use as well as two computers and a printer in the lobby. These are in addition to the three computer labs on the Gainesville campus.
Mail should be addressed to:
Student Name
NCTC [Name of Residence Hall & Room Number]
1525 West California St.
Gainesville, TX 76240
How much does it cost to live on campus per semester?
Fall 2022
Room and Meals charges for the Fall or Spring semester are due and payable - either in full or installments.
Hays — $2,411*
Bonner — $2,311*
*Per Semester
What is the payment plan for each residence hall?
Fall Semester
Move in — Bonner: $771, Hays: $803
September 15th — Bonner: $770, Hays: $804
October 15th — Bonner: $770, Hays: $804
Total Due — Bonner: $2,311, Hays: $2,411
Spring Semester
Move in — Bonner: $771, Hays: $803
February 15th — Bonner: $770, Hays: $804
March 15th — Bonner: $770, Hays: $804
Total Due — Bonner: $2,311, Hays: $2,411
Refund Schedule
Refunds are made to students who withdraw from the Residence Halls AND classes at North Central Texas College* as follows:
*14-Meal if total amount was paid by August 15th and January 15th
Withdraw First week of classes — Refund 80%
Withdraw Second week of classes — Refund 70%
Withdraw Third - Fifth week of classes — Refund 60%
Withdraw Sixth - Tenth week of classes — Refund 30%
Withdraw after Tenth week of classes — NO REFUND
*For elective withdrawal by the student from the NCTC Residence Hall, but NOT from the College, there will be NO REFUND. Also, for enforced withdrawal from the Residence Hall, there will be NO REFUND.
Can I be a Resident Assistant (RA) if I have no prior experience?
Previous RA experience is not required to apply for the position.
Can I get a private room?
Private rooms are not offered at the beginning of the semester, because we have a wait list of students needing housing. Private rooms are offered on a first come, first serve basis throughout the semester once they become available. Having a private room in the Fall does not guarantee a private room in the Spring.
What is my on-campus mailing address?
Student Name
Hall, Room #
1525 West California Street
Gainesville, TX 76240
I have a disability, how do I get assistance?
Contact the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) Advisor on the Gainesville Campus.
Yvonne Sandmann
Room 111
(940) 668-3300
What are the cafeteria hours?
The cafeteria, which is located in the Student Union, is open:
Monday - Thursday
Breakfast: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Lunch: 11:00 AM - 1:15 PM
Dinner: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Breakfast: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Lunch: 11:00 AM - 1:15 PM
Dinner: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Saturday Brunch: 11:30 PM - 12:30 PM
Sunday Brunch: 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
If your classes are held during the cafeteria's operating hours, they will work with you to provide a pack lunch. You must provide your class schedule as proof of conflicting times.
For convenient lodging during your summer camp or conference in Gainesville, Texas, the NCTC Residence halls are the ideal choice. To streamline the process and secure accommodations, please complete the Summer Camp/Conference Housing Request form.
Bonner Hall is a traditional residence hall that houses 106 people between 53 bedrooms. The building is divided into 4 wings (13 rooms on each wing with one wing having 14 rooms) each with a community bathroom. In addition, Bonner Hall is equipped with a conference style room; two kitchenettes (for late night campers wanting to cook); four lounges; and a central lobby complete with ping-pong table and big screen television. Outside the facility there is plenty of room for group games to go along with an open field to play flag football soccer or kickball, basketball court; picnic tables; and grill.
Summer Conference Room Rates
Bonner Hall without Linens - $50 for the first night and $10 for each additional night
Bonner Hall with Linens - $65 for the first night and $10 for each additional night
*Rates done per room (groups can use rooms by double or single occupancy)
Additional Security
If your camp would like added security, trained desk clerks/over-night Resident Assistants (RAs) can be provided for the cost of $10.00 per hour to monitor the security cameras and provide rounds during the hours which your group would like.
Great Western Dining provides catering or conference services for on or off-campus groups. Price quotes for meals served from the line, special order meals or banquet style meals will be priced differently. To coordinate meals contact Great Western Dinning's Food Service Director or call at (940) 668-4224.