Subject Guides
Need help researching a specific topic? Try one of these helpful subject guides to get you started!
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Search Terms
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
JSTOR is comprehensive academic journal database for the study of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
NCTC owns thousands of quality reference books, available at any time through the eBook Collection.
CountryWatch is an up-to-date reference site for every country in the world, including news, statistics, and cultural information.
A to Z Maps Online
A comprehensive database of downloadable maps covering many topics, such as antique and historical maps, to weather and geological. Also includes flags for different countries. Great for presentations!
Academic Video Online: Premium
A large database of online videos and documentaries covering academic subjects.
Internet Resources
American Anthropological Association
Professional organization for the field of anthropology.
The American Folklife Center
An online research center maintained by the Library of Congress.
Encyclopedia Mythica
An online encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion.
Smithsonian Institute Department of Anthropology
An online research center maintained by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
American Folklore Society
A useful website for the study of folklore. Includes a Folklore Wiki.
AnthroPod: The SCA Podcast
A podcast from the Society for Cultural Anthropology
Award winning podcast from author Aaron Mahnke about folklore stories from around the world.
Aspire to Be Hired
NCTC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). This regional body ensures colleges continuously meet the rigorous standards outlined by the United States Department of Education. NCTC’s accreditation should give students peace of mind that they are receiving a quality education. It also assures employers that the graduates they hire from NCTC will be prepared to enter the workforce. All colleges and universities accredited by SACSCOC must create and implement a Quality Enhancement Plan to address student learning and/or success to remain in good standing.
About the Aspire to Be Hired Plan
You’ve made a great choice for your future by attending NCTC. Top employers in the DFW metroplex trust that NCTC graduates and credential holders have the technical skills necessary to be successful at their job.
However, technical skills aren’t the only thing employers are looking for. Business and industry leaders are increasingly placing value on soft skills. NCTC has partnered with well-respected employers in the area to develop the Aspire to Be Hired QEP. This plan integrates soft skills into the classroom, and provides additional support and development for students.
You might hear soft skills called by many other names including, “employability skills,” “career readiness skills,” or “non-technical skills.” Youth.gov defines these skills as “personal qualities, not technical, that translate into good job performance.” While not everyone agrees on what should be included in employability skills, NCTC’s research shows a critical need in the following eight areas:
Professional Communication
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Emotional Intelligence
Ethical Decision Making
Teamwork & Collaboration
Interpersonal Skills & Professionalism
Online Research
Try searching for these keywords and/or the specific skills listed above in the library catalog or databases:
Strategic thinking
Business etiquette
Difficult people
Conflict resolution
Workplace etiquette
The Library’s databases provide access to thousands of electronic academic journals, magazines, newspapers, eBooks and more. You will first be prompted to log into your OneLogin portal if you are not on campus.
Suggested Databases
Academic Video Online: Premium
Access over 70,000 academic videos. Example titles include “An Overview of Professionalism in Health Care,” and “Open Communication and Teamwork.”IBISWorld
When you need in-depth industry research for the US, UK, Australia, Europe and beyond, IBISWorld’s industry report collections have you covered. IBISWorld goes the extra mile to understand the unique business challenges our individual clients face. Every client has a dedicated Client Relationship Manager who can help you solve problems quickly with our industry research and data tools.Learning Express Library
This database is divided into centers that include practice tests, study guide eBooks, and tutorials for academic and career success. Check out “Job Search and Workplace Skills” under the Career Center Plus icon for resources on teamwork, workplace etiquette, time management, and communication. Create a free account to keep track of your test and tutorial progress.Vocational and Career Collection
Use this database to find publications for specific trades and industries. These can help you communicate in the same language as your future employers, and identify which employability skills are most in demand. -
NCTC Resources
NCTC Career Center Resources for Career Advancement and Skills Development
Professional Communication
Aspire to be Hired: Professional Communication for your Career Development
Professional Communication – Communicating Effectively OnlineCritical Thinking
Teamwork and Critical Thinking Power Half HourEthical Decision Making
Aspire to be Hired: Ethical Decision Making for EmployabilitySelected TEDTalks
Professional Communication
How to Speak So That People Want to ListenCritical Thinking
5 tips to improve your critical thinking
This tool will help improve your critical thinkingEmotional Intelligence
The benefits of expressing your emotions (constructively)Teamwork/Collaboration
How to turn a group of strangers into a team
The value of kindness at work
The secret to giving great feedbackLeadership
How your brain responds to stories — and why they're crucial for leadersInterpersonal Skills/Professionalism
3 ways to lead tough, unavoidable conversations
5 steps to remove yourself from drama at work
How to ask for help — and get a "yes"Open Courses - Free Skills Development Courses from Google & Respected Universities
Professional Communication
Build confidence with self-promotion
Business communicationEmotional Intelligence
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at WorkInterpersonal Skills/Professionalism
Professionalism, Grooming and Etiquette
Print Books
Each campus library has purchased books to support specific employability skills—problem solving, ethical decision making, teamwork, and communication. A sample of books chosen for these skills is listed below. Use the catalog to search for additional titles.
Crezee, I. (2015). Introduction to healthcare for Spanish-speaking interpreters and translators. John Benjamins Publishing. Gainesville Campus R119.5 .C742 2015
Lele, C. (2018). The vocabulary builder workbook: Simple lessons and activities to teach yourself over 1,400 must-know words. Zephyros Press. Gainesville Campus PE1449 .L45 2018
Hassan, O. (2015). Don't reply all: 18 email tactics that help you write better emails and improve communication with your team. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Gainesville Campus HE7551 .O85 2015
Bevelin, P. (2007). Seeking wisdom: From Darwin to Munger (3rd ed.). PCA Publications. Flower Mound Campus B105 .W5 B48 2018
Conn, S. (2019). Bulletproof problem solving: The one skill that changes everything. Wiley. Flower Mound Campus BF449 .C665 2019
Kallet, M. (2014). Think smarter: critical thinking to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills. Wiley. Flower Mound Campus HD30.29 .K35 2014
Konnikova, M. (2013). Mastermind: How to think like Sherlock Holmes. Penguin Books. Flower Mound Campus BC108 .K56 2013
Watanabe, K. (2009). Problem solving 101: A simple book for smart people. Portfolio. Flower Mound Campus BF449 .W37 2009
Duke, A. (2020). How to decide: Simple tools for making better choices. Portfolio. Bowie Campus HD30.23 .D85 2020
Faddis, T. (2019). The ethical line: 10 leadership strategies for effective decision making. Corwin. Bowie Campus LB2806 .F34 2020
Heath, C. (2013). Decisive: How to make better choices in life and work. Currency. Bowie Campus HD30.23 .H395 2013
Kahneman, D. (2021). Noise: A flaw in human judgment. Little, Brown Spark. Bowie Campus BF447 .K34 2021
Koscinski, M. (2021). Decision making essentials you always wanted to know. Vibrant Publishers. Bowie Campus HD30.23 .K57 2021
Anderson, G. (2019). Mastering collaboration: Make working together less painful and more productive. O'Reilly Media. Corinth Campus HD57.7 .L4488 2016
Cross, R. L. (2021). Beyond collaboration overload: how to work smarter, get ahead, and restore your well-being. Harvard Business Review Press. Corinth Campus HF5548.85 .C76 2021
Lencioni, P. (2016). The ideal team player: How to recognize and cultivate the three essential virtues. Jossey-Bass. Corinth Campus HD57.7 .L4488 2016
Maxwell, J.C. (2013). The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork: Embrace them and empower your team. Harper Collins Leadership. Corinth Campus HD66 .M375 2001
Tamm, J.W. (2019). Radical collaboration: Five essential skills to overcome defensiveness and build successful relationships (2nd ed.). Harper Business. Corinth Campus HD66 .T36 2019
Book Reviews
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located. Searching for an author as the subject will provide books about that author.
The NCTC Libraries provides several resources for author information and book reviews. If one of these does not have a review for your book, try another!
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Gale Literature
Find author biographies, work overviews, book reviews and literary criticism from six different databases using one interface. Click advanced search to search by the name of the work, author, or both. Results are organized by category:
Literature criticism is much more in depth than a book review. It discusses the author's purpose, themes and subject matter as well as a deeper analysis of the work's impact.
Biographies give details on an author's life and career.
Topic and work overviews are brief summaries of the work.
Reviews and news include reviews of works from newspapers, literary magazines and books.
Book Review Digest Plus
Search reviews of children, adult, fiction and non-fiction books. Coverage dates from 1905 to present and includes over 100,000 book reviews.
Internet Resources
New York Review of Books
Celebrated authors lend their expertise to review newly released titles.
NPR Books
Find insightful reviews from one of America's largest independent media outlets.
The social network for book lovers. Find out what other bibliophiles think of a book, write your own reviews, and get suggestions for your next read based on one you already enjoy.
Business & Economics
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Search Terms
Business and Economics
Economic History
Income Distribution
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Business Abstracts with Full Text
Provides access to full text articles and scholarly journals from more than 510 major publications dating from 1995 to the present in the following areas: product evaluations, interviews, biographical sketches, corporate profiles, surveys, statistical rankings, as well as book reviews and reports from associations, societies, trade shows, and conferences.
Regional Business News
Provides full text coverage for more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Small Business Reference Center
Offers full-text periodicals and reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, videos, and reference books to support small business owners or those interested in starting a business in areas from planning, financing and managing a business to exit strategies. Users have the ability to search within specific business topics as well as business types to find information that is relevant to their needs.
Webucator Self-Paced Courses (Voucher code 9440501)
Any library user can take as many of the courses as desired at no cost by choosing "Webucator Vouchers" as the payment method and entering the code 9440501. Each user gets access to a student portal to track progress through each course that is taken.
When you need in-depth industry research for the US, UK, Australia, Europe and beyond, IBISWorld’s industry report collections have you covered. IBISWorld goes the extra mile to understand the unique business challenges our individual clients face. Every client has a dedicated Client Relationship Manager who can help you solve problems quickly with our industry research and data tools.
Internet Resources
Resources for students from the premiere source for industry information, including licensing and internship resources, definitions for common accounting terms, and links to organizations that can lead to additional information.
Accounting Degree Today
An informational resource that provides school information, career articles, student guides, accounting student reviews, and advice from current accounting professionals. This website is a starting point for individuals who want to research their options for degree programs, with key information about accounting schools in each state as well as accounting job and salary information by metro area. The site also provides an accounting jobs board that is updated daily.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Economic statistical information for the United States. Also useful are the webpages Economic Indicators, which provides frequently updated information from the U.S. Census Bureau on information on current indicators as well historic time series and Economic News Releases, which is a primary source for federal economic information updated from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, with information on employment, earnings data, and price indexes.
Business and Economics - Texas
Information related to business in Texas provided by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Business Research Guide
Provides assistance in doing research in a variety of business and management topics, with descriptions of databases and hundreds of reference books in the collections of the Rutgers University Libraries. Links to more than 3,000 selected business and management-related Internet resources are included also.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
Since 1981 the Center has conducted research and provided analysis for state and federal fiscal policy and public programs. The reports, which are online beginning with the 1996 publications, cover public policy regarding fiscal issues, poverty, health, housing, social security, taxation, and welfare reform.
Discover Accounting
Resources for Accounting Students and Accountants – an online guide that provides educational information and resources on accounting careers.
FRED: Federal Reserve Economic Data
Developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED includes more than 240,000 economic and financial time series data from dozens of US and international sources (from Library Journal).
Fortune 500
Gives information on all of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies: revenue, assets, profit data, etc. Also provides information on best employers, top-paying companies, firms with women CEOs, and more.
How to Become a CPA in Texas
Becoming a CPA in Texas is a relatively straightforward process, involving a combination of education, examination and experience in order to gain the licensure required to hold this coveted title. Information provided by Discover Accounting.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) - Patient Information
Patent-specific information from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) - Trademark Information
Trademark-specific information from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
United States Trade Statistics
The United States International Trade Commission Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb provides international trade statistics and U.S. tariff data to the public full-time and free of charge.
Careers & Vocations
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Inter Campus Delivery
Request that items from other campuses be delivered to your home campus.
Locate and click on an item in the catalog
Click Requests just below the library banner
Complete and submit the Request Item form
Please allow two to three school days for delivery.
Suggested Searches
For careers in general, try searching for these terms:
For specific careers, try searching for the career, or combine the name of the field with the terms above. For example:
Food job
Culinary career
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Vocation and Career Collection
Provides subscriptions to trade magazines, journals and other publications covering hot topics and trends in different fields. Some publications include American Machinist, Aviation Week, Candy Industry, and Pediatric Nursing.
Learning Express Library — Job & Career Accelerator
Contains interactive courses, practice tests and eBooks for different careers. Use this database to build your skills and prep for licensing exams. Try the "Explore Careers," or "Occupation Matcher" tools. Requires a free account.
Founded by Syracuse and Harvard graduates. This database has an extensive collection of online, self-paced classes to help you gain marketable tech skills. Includes courses Microsoft certification, HTML, Python and more. Create an account and use the voucher code 9440501.
Internet Resources
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook
Information on salaries, job responsibilities, work environment, and career growth. Compiled by government researchers and is considered the most reliable data on careers and vocations. Also available in print- ask for call number HD5724 .O26 2014.
Work in Texas
This website is a service of the Texas Workforce Commission that matches job seekers with employers in the state of Texas. In addition to the job bank, this site provides Texas job market information, information on career development and training programs.
Take the MAPP (Measure of Academic Proficiency and Progress) test, and find out what job your strengths can be applied to.
Services from NCTC Counseling and Testing
Links to even more career exploration resources, career assessments and job banks from the NCTC Counseling and Testing Center.
Controversial Topics
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Request Books from Other Campuses
Request that items from other campuses be delivered to your home campus.
Choose a book from your list of catalog results.
Click Requests just below the library banner.
Complete and submit the Request Item form.
Please allow two to three school days for delivery.
Suggested Searches
Book Series
Having trouble picking a topic? Search the catalog for our collection of hot topic series. These contain essays exploring the pros and cons of many debates. Suggested series:
At Issue
Contemporary World Issues
Historical Guides to Controversial Issues in America
Library in a Book
Opposing Viewpoints
The Reference Shelf
Taking Sides
Already have a topic? Conduct a subject or words or phrase search in the catalog for your topic, and its synonyms.
Example Topic: Illegal Immigration
Example Synonyms: Undocumented migrant, Illegal alien, Clandestine worker
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Choose from hundreds of current and controversial topics. Find background information through topic essays, and gain insight to both sides of the argument with viewpoint essays. Each topic page links to academic journals, magazines and other sources of information for hot topics.
Internet Resources
The Internet provides a variety of up-to-date resources for current issues and controversial topics.
ProCon.org Find background essays and simple pro and con essays on your topic. Great for identifying areas for deeper research.
Democratic Policy and Communications Committee - Issues Advises democrats in leadership and policy-making roles of research regarding key issues. Great for researching the Democratic side to law and legislation.
Senate Republican Policy Committee - Issues Advises republicans in leadership and policy-making roles of research regarding key issues. Great for researching the Republican side to law and legislation.
TED Talks Videos on impactful subjects from distinguished presenters and lecturers.
Research Game Plan
For Argumentative, Persuasive, and Hot Topics
Controversial topics wouldn't be controversial without strong opinions. Make sure you're getting both sides as well as unbiased fact.
Choose a topic
Read up on possible topics in encyclopedias and topic essays available in books the Opposing Viewpoints database
Make a list of synonyms for your topic
Investigate both sides
Make an informed decision about which side you're on
Identify debatable stances from the opposition
Research deeper
Books for broad information
Academic journals for expert research on specific subtopics
Periodicals for current developments on your topic
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Suggested Search Terms
Novel coronavirus 2019
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Gale OneFile: News
This full-text newspaper resource contains news articles on recent events, including changes to the law, reliable reporting on criminal activity, and more.
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Opposing Viewpoints covers topical social issues that are hotly debated, among them many in the field of criminal justice.
CountryWatch is an up-to-date reference site for every country in the world, including news, statistics, and cultural information.
Internet Resources
For a list of online Journals, see the March blog post at the NCTC Libraries Blog here — “Information inundation and COVID-19: Locating accurate and timely research”
Coronavirus Daily
A daily update from National Public Radio.
Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction
CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta gives daily updates on latest news about the coronavirus.
America Dissected: Coronavirus
Information on what led to the current pandemic, along with updates and ideas for how to get through the crisis.
Criminal Justice
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Search Terms
Criminal Law
Death Penalty
Drug Abuse
Juvenile Justice
Organized Crime
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Opposing Viewpoints covers topical social issues that are hotly debated, among them many in the field of criminal justice.
Gale OneFile: News
This full-text newspaper resource contains news articles on recent events, including changes to the law, reliable reporting on criminal activity, and more.
Internet Resources
Crime Solutions
Crime Solutions is a website for finding corrections programs and law enforcement practices. Crime Solutions uses research to rate the effectiveness of these programs and practices. Topics covered include victims' services, substance abuse, reentry programs, and more. Crime Solutions is maintained by the National Institute of Justice.
Death Penalty Information Center
The Death Penalty Information Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing analysis and information on the issues surrounding capital punishment. The DPIC website includes state-by-state information, national statistics, an execution database, and information on upcoming executions.
Interpol is the world's largest international police organization, comprised of 190 member countries. The Interpol website is an excellent source for information on large-scale crimes like money laundering, art theft, maritime piracy, and human trafficking.
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data provides free access to current and historical crime statistics. Among the data sets provided you will find statistics on capital punishment, homicide, law enforcement management, and juvenile corrections.
National Institute of Justice: Forensic Sciences
The National Institute of Justice's Forensic Sciences web page provides an introduction to the field of forensics. You will find information on DNA technology, toxicology, crime lab operations, trace evidence, and more.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
RAINN is a national non-profit organization that helps victims of sexual abuse. You can find statistics, federal and state laws, and information on specific court cases. RAINN also offers help to those in need via their national sexual assault hotline.
SCOTUSblog (Supreme Court of the United States Blog)
The SCOTUSblog is a great resource for timely information on current and future Supreme Court Cases. In addition to blog posts, SCOTUSblog provides important statistics, videos, a list of court cases that have petitioned the Supreme Court, and a section called "Plain English" where the blog authors get rid of the "legalese" and break down Supreme Court cases into terms everyone can understand.
Uniform Crime Reports
The Uniform Crime Reports website provides data from state and local law enforcement officers across the United States. Uniform Crime Reports are maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Elections & Politics
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Topics
Political campaigns
Political participation
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Choose from hundreds of current issues. Find background information through topic essays, and gain insight to both sides of the argument with viewpoint essays. Each topic page links to academic journals, magazines and other sources of information for hot topics.
Internet Resources
This nonpartisan nonprofit site exists to increase public understanding of and lessen the deception in U. S. politics. FactCheck.org monitors the accuracy of political speeches, interviews, debates, and press releases.
This nonprofit site explores the connections between campaign donations and Congressional voting.
National Governors Association
This bi-partisan organization serves as the collective voice for the nation's governors on national policy issues while also providing information on "best practices" regarding governmental policy.
On the Issues
Non-profit, non-partisan organization compiles information daily from newspapers, speeches, press releases, and the Internet on candidates and issues.
This site follows the money trail in politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
Real Clear Politics
"Updated every morning and throughout the day, RCP culls and publishes the best commentary, news, polling data, and links to important resources from all points of the political compass and covering all the important issues of the day. RealClearPolitics has become a trusted filter for anyone interested in politics."
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
The Texas Secretary of State is the chief elections officer for the State of Texas. The Elections Division provides assistance and advice to elections officials on the proper conduct of elections.
Texas Legislative Council: Constitutional Amendments
Information presented by the Texas Legislative Council on the proposed Amendments to the state Constitution.
Texas Legislature Online
Home page for the Texas State Legislature. Search for bills, legislative activity, statutes, voting records, etc.
Site created by the office of the Texas Secretary of State that provides important information on all aspects of the voting process.
Republican Party Resources
Democratic Party Resources
Environmental Biology
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Topics
Trash or Garbage
Waste management
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Discover the "Environmental Overview" of most countries worldwide. This includes that country's issues, policy, greenhouse gas ranking and agreements relating to the environment. And much more!
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Both sides of important issues are represented in interesting and up-to-date articles from assorted sources.
A to Z Maps Online
Find out about weather patterns, climate change, and even tree and bird distribution in this very interesting database! Check out the NASA Global View for some instant information about our planet.
Internet Resources
International Dark-Sky Association
Learn what you can do to prevent and reduce light pollution around us.
A site that is packed with information on reducing the human carbon footprint.
National Park Service
Every American should know about our amazing national park system, but especially the environmentalist.
Volt Lighting
This resource discussing using "dark sky" approved lighting sources to reduce light pollution and introduces various concepts associated with "dark sky" advocacy.
Film Studies
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Search Terms
Cinematic History
Motion Pictures
Movie Business/Industry
Silent Film
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
JSTOR is comprehensive academic journal database for the study of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
NCTC owns thousands of quality reference books, available at any time through the eBook Collection.
Academic Video Online: Premium
A large database of online videos and documentaries covering academic subjects. There is a large section of performance videos in the arts.
Internet Resources
Internet Movie Database
One of the most comprehensive movie and television databases online.
Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Scholarly organization for the study of film.
Critical Commons
Fair use materials in media studies.
Moving Image Archive
Archive.org's collection of moving image resources.
Subscription-Based Streaming Video
Worldwide subscription service for film and television.
Offers free and subscription based access to television series and movies.
Amazon Prime
Access to Prime movies with subscription, but also allows purchase and rental of almost any movie in the database.
Curated collection of horror genres
Financial Aid
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Search Terms
College costs--United States
Grants-in-aid--United States Directories
Loans--United States Directories
Scholarships--United States
Scholarships--United States Directories
Student aid--United States
Student aid--United States Directories
Student aid--United States Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Student loans--United States
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
NCTC eBook Collection
Digital version of books, journals, and database content.
WorldCat (OCLC)
Provides Interlibrary Loan service to search for items that are not available in the NCTC Libraries. An OCLC catalog of books and other materials located in libraries throughout the world, this database contains more than 86 million bibliographic records and nearly 1.2 billion holdings representing the collections of more than 10,000 libraries, over 400 languages.
Internet Resources
NCTC Financial Aid Department
Home webpage of the North Central Texas College Department of Financial Aid. This is the best website to visit to learn what steps are needed to complete the process to receive financial aid.
Accredited Schools Online
The most comprehensive resource for learning about school accreditation and for finding accredited traditional and online programs that best meet your needs.
Best Scholarship Search Platforms
When you use a scholarship search platform, you can view dozens and even hundreds of scholarships at the same time. As not every platform contains the same information though, you may want to look at multiple sites. This allows you to view any money that you might qualify for and find out how to apply.
Discover Degrees in Business
A team a career and college education counselors who have devoted time to develop tools designed to help students research adn compare different schools to assists them in making the right decision when choosing a university to attend.
FastWEB.Com Financial Aid Search
The FastWEB Scholarship Search matches your specific skills, abilities, and interests to the website’s database of over 275,000 scholarships.
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Office of the U.S. Department of Education
Website to visit to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), which is the first step in getting student aid and is required every year.
FinAid: The Financial Aid Information Page
A free resource providing information, advice, and tools on student aid, with sources of aid, information, financial aid calculators, scam alerts, and more.
Online Colleges, Online Degrees, and College Scholarships
This website provides information regarding traditional schools, online college programs, scholarships, and financial aid. Links to more than 70 free college scholarship search sites.
Peterson's Education & Career Center
Education and related sites including schools, colleges and universities, graduate study, study abroad, summer programs, special schools, and distance learning.
Reviews.com: Best Scholarship Search Platforms
Online guide that covers what you should know about scholarship, how do scholarship search platforms work, what students should know before they search for a scholarship, and a guide to applying for scholarships.
Scholarships for Student Caregivers
A listing of scholarships available for caregivers provided by Caring.com.
State of Texas Financial Aid
Information is provided for general and educational purposes only, and is not intended to provide legal, tax, or investment advice.
STEM Scholarship Guide
This website provides tips for finding and applying for scholarships for students who plan to major in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The webpage also gives links to scholarships in these areas.
The Student Guide to Financial Aid
U.S. Department of Education guide covers the major aid programs, including Pell Grants, Stafford Loans, and PLUS Loans.
Student Loans.Gov
Provides information about Student Aid Programs, Entrance Counseling, Financial Awareness Counseling, and additional information to begin the process towards receiving financial aid.
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Example Subjects: American Government or Texas Government
Democracy United States
Government United States or Government Texas
Presidents United States
Politics United States or Politics Texas
Elections United States or Elections Texas
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
No suggestions available at this time
Internet Resources
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
The directory allows users to search for current and former members of Congress (1774-present) by name, position, or state. Includes birth and death dates, education, employment, and election history.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
Need to know the impact of the recession on states? The lesson learned from deficit reductions? Since 1981 the Center has conducted research and provided analysis for state and federal fiscal policy and public programs. The reports, which are online beginning with the 1996 publications, cover public policy regarding fiscal issues, poverty, health, housing, social security, taxation, and welfare reform.
Citizen Handbook: How the Texas Legislature Works
Brief online handbook on the workings of Texas state government. Includes history of the Capitol, a glossary of terms, and facts about Texas.
Congress.gov is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public. It is presented by the Library of Congress (LOC) using data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, the Government Publishing Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the LOC's Congressional Research Service.
Includes the entire text of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and Articles of Confederation.
Cases, laws, and codes from several judicial bodies. Search or browse the Constitution, Supreme Court Opinions (1893+), Federal Circuit Court Opinions, and other sources of legal information.
Gallup Poll
"Gallup delivers analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems. Combining more than 80 years of experience with its global reach, Gallup knows more about the attitudes and behaviors of employees, customers, students and citizens than any other organization in the world."
Government Printing Office
The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) disseminates official information from all three branches of the Federal government. Documents are available for purchase.
Internet Public Library: Presidents of the United States (POTUS)
Brief biographical and administration information for each U.S. President. Compiled by the Internet Public Library.
National Security Archives
Declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act collected by the independent nongovernmental research institute and library at George Washington University.
Online Library of Liberty
Featured in Library Journal as a great free reference, OLL is a project of the Liberty Fund, a private non-profit educational foundation. The aim of OLL is to provide thousands of titles about individual liberty, limited constitutional government, and the free market, free of charge and for educational purposes.
Texas Attorney General Publications
Publications provided through the office of the Texas Attorney General. Most publications are downloadable in .pdf format. Some publications can be ordered in 'hard copy' form via this website.
Information from the State of Texas regarding everything legislative including links to the House, Senate, and Legislative Budget Board.
Texas Government Links
Resources provided through the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Texas Legislature On-Line
Homepage for the Texas State Legislature. Provides information about pending legislation, its text, status, and more.
USA.gov is an excellent resource for obtaining governmental information for citizens and visitors. There is also a link to contact government officials. Formerly known as FirstGov.
Provides information on grant government grant allocations and government contractors. Fulfills the obligations of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006.
World Public Opinion (WPO)
A consortium of public opinion research centers in 25 countries that represent the majority of the world's population. Discover public opinion by global region or explore topics such as the environment, globalization/trade, security, and human rights.
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Example Subjects: American History
United States history
Indians North America history
Presidents history
World War 1945 history
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection
A suite of smaller databases of primary sources and original periodicals dating from the 1600s to the end of the 19th Century.
CountryWatch is an information provider for corporations, government agencies, universities, schools, libraries and individuals needing up-to-date news and information on each of the recognized countries of the world. Included are Country Reviews (statistical data and basic information), Country Wire (daily news coverage), a Map Gallery, a customizable data search, Intelligence Briefing (political developments and analysis), and much more.
This robust database of full-text, scholarly journals covers topics in history, literature, and the humanities. Citations are available as well as downloadable .pdf documents. Recent publications are largely not available in JSTOR, with a buffer of approximately five years.
Gale in Context: U.S. History
U.S. History In Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History. The comprehensive, contextual, media-rich collection empowers learners to develop information literacy and critical thinking skills. Topics range from the arrival of Vikings in North America all to the way to the first stirrings of the American Revolution and on through the Civil Rights movement, 9/11, and the War on Terror.
Internet Resources
American Memory Project (Library of Congress)
"American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience."
Arab Spring: An Interactive Timeline (Guardian, UK)
An interactive timeline tracing the pro-democracy rebellions in the Middle East that began in December 2010.
Cornerstone Documents
Provides a core group of current and historical Government publications, made available for free, permanent, public access via the Government Publishing Office. These titles contain information which is vital to the democratic process and critical to an informed electorate.
Europeana 1914-1918
As part of the commemoration of the centennial of the outbreak of World War I, this site collects resources from three major European projects, collecting and digitizing letters, photographs, keepsakes, and films.
Handbook of Civil War Texas
Provided by the Texas State Historical Association as part of the Handbook of Texas.
The History Guide: Resources for Historians
Provides a selected list of Internet resources for historians.
National Security Archives
Declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act collected by the independent nongovernmental research institute and library at George Washington University.
Northeast Texas Digital Collections
Digitized records of historical note for Cooke County. A joint project of the Cooke County Library, the Morton Museum, and Texas A&M--Commerce.
Portal to Texas History
Created and maintained by the University of North Texas, the Portal is a gateway to Texas history materials. You may discover anything from an ancestor's picture to a rare historical map. From prehistory to the present day, you can explore unique collections from Texas libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, genealogical societies, and private family collections.
Texas Handbook
The Handbook of Texas Online is a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture sponsored by the Texas State Historical Association and the General Libraries at UT Austin.
Today in History
Historical facts highlighted by items from the American Memory collections (Library of Congress).
World Digital Library
Makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
Health Sciences
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Subject Search Terms
Human anatomy
Medicine dictionaries--English
Since this is such a broad topic, to narrow your search to a suggested area (such as Internal Medicine, Microbiology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Surgery, etc.), in the Results screen click on the suggested term listed under "You Found Titles in Categories" (located on the right side of the web page).
Since this such a broad topic, to narrow your search to a suggested area (such as Internal Medicine, Pathology, Pediatrics, etc.), in the results screen click on the suggested term listed under "You Found Titles in Categories" (located on the right side of the web page).Surgical Procedures, Operative.
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
The core research tool for all areas of nursing and allied health literature, with full text coverage from 1937 to the present. This database provides full text for more than 770 journals indexed in CINAHL Plus, with no embargo for many of the most used journals.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
This multi-source database provides access to the full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus a wide variety of personal health information sources, such as journals, consumer health magazines, newsletters, pamphlets, newspaper articles, topical interviews, and key reference books.
Nursing Education in Video
This is a unique collection of videos created for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. All of the videos in the collection have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with U.S. Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS.
Internet Resources
Cancer Statistics Center
Uses data from the Society's annual Cancer Facts & Figures report as well as much, much more data, to create a comprehensive interactive resource. Detailed statistics are available on a range of topics including: estimated new cancer cases and deaths by sex, state, and cancer type in the current year; current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival rates and trends for individual cancer sites; and risk factors and screening rates by state.
AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Useful, timely information for consumers and health care providers from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services covering diseases, treatment, and more.
ConsumerSafety.org is an impartial, trustworthy source of information with an unwavering commitment to helping consumers make informed decisions. Ultimately, our success lies in being a voice for—and giving a voice to—consumers.
Government site with links to selected publications, databases, support groups, government agencies, and not-for-profit organizations that offer reliable health information for the public.
Martindale's Health Science Guide
The Virtual Medical Center has a wealth of information.
Award-winning, reputable source of consumer information on diseases and treatments, pharmaceuticals, and an "Ask-the-Expert" feature.
Brings together authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations. Provides extensive information about drugs, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive patient tutorials, and latest health news.
A free, searchable database of current, full-text articles intended for health professionals and interested consumers. Registration is required.
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
Describes symptoms, common clinical procedures, and laboratory tests for all but the most obscure medical disorders, for use by health care professionals.
National Center for Health Statistics
Government agency providing extensive statistical information on health status, lifestyle, illness, disability, and the use of health care. Includes the full text of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
National Guidelines Clearinghouse
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) National Guideline Clearinghouse is a public resource for summaries of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
Texas Nurses Association
Official website of the Texas Nurses Association (TNA), a state-wide membership-based association of registered nurses (RNs).
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Subject Search Terms
African American Poetry
Creative Writing
Epic Poetry
Fairy Tales
Fantasy Literature
Geoffrey Chaucer
Gender and Literature
Gothic Literature
Greek Drama
Latin American Literature
Medieval Literature
Romantic Literature
Russian Literature
Science Fiction
Victorian Literature
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
EBSCOHost eBook Collection
Browse over 2,000 full text eBooks in literature and literary criticism, or search for your specific subject in this eBook database.
Gale Literature
An integrated research experience, Gale Literary Sources brings together Gale's premier literary databases in a new digital environment that allows researchers, faculty and students to search across these resources to discover and analyze content in entirely new ways.
JSTOR is a vast database that houses numerous articles in a variety of disciplines. JSTOR is particularly well-suited for those needing academic articles and primary sources in literature.
Twentieth Century Poetry
Twentieth Century Poetry consists of two different databases: Twentieth Century American Poetry and Twentieth Century English Poetry. In each of these respective databases, you will find full text poems and detailed biographies of poets from the twentieth century.
Internet Resources
18th Connect: Eighteenth-Century Scholarship Online
18th Connect is a massive searchable database consisting of numerous high-quality digital archives. You will find primary texts and peer-reviewed secondary texts as well.
Annenberg Learner: English Language Arts
The Annenberg Learner website provides a wealth of resources for students and educators alike. The Literature section is divided into five areas: Poetry, Drama/Film, Multicultural, Non-Fiction, and Fiction. Each of these major areas has submenus that you can choose from. You will find interactive timelines, videos, author biographies, and more.
Electronic Poetry Center
The Electronic Poetry Center is a large resource for finding poetry on the web. It includes written and spoken poems. You can also learn about the poets featured by clicking on Author, and then locating the poet of your choice in the alphabetical list.
Internet Sacred Text Archive
The Internet Sacred Text Archive is a resource to read sacred texts from around the world for free. Included are texts sacred to all the world's major religions, as well as texts from many esoteric traditions. The site is not affiliated with any one religious group, organization, or movement.
LibriVox is a free audio book website, owned and operated by Project Gutenberg. The emphasis is on classic works of literature and poetry, but you will find non-fiction works as well.
MESA: Medieval Electronic Scholarly Alliance
MESA is a large searchable database of medieval texts that have been digitally archived online. You can locate sermons in their original Latin, illuminated manuscripts, poetry, medieval musical scores, and high-quality images of art from the medieval time-period as well.
NINES: Nineteenth-Century Scholarship Online
NINES, which stands for Networked Infrastructre for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship, is a large searchable database consisting of several digital archives. From Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, to Edgar Allan Poe and the work of women British Romantic poets, you can find a wealth of scholarly resources on the NINES website.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free eBooks on the web. It continues to be one of the best sources for free eBooks to date.
The Victorian Web
A vast resource of primary and secondary literary texts focused on Great Britain in the in Victorian Age (1837 to 1901). In addition to literature, The Victorian Web includes information about history, religion, science, art, architecture, music, and theater.
The Victorian Web
A vast resource of primary and secondary literary texts focused on Great Britain in the in Victorian Age (1837 to 1901). In addition to literature, The Victorian Web includes information about history, religion, science, art, architecture, music, and theater.
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Subject Search Terms
Middle Ages or Medieval
20th Century or Contemporary
Popular Music
Folk Music
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
JSTOR is comprehensive academic journal database for the study of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
NCTC owns thousands of quality reference books, available at any time through the eBook Collection.
Academic Video Online: Premium
A large database of online videos and documentaries covering academic subjects. There is a large section of performance videos in the arts.
Internet Resources
Classic Bands
Biographical information on classic rock & roll bands.
"The Internet's Premier Classical Music Source"
National Jukebox
Historical recordings provided by the Library of Congress
Online Resources for Music Scholars (Harvard University)
A comprehensive list of online resources.
A Passion for Jazz
A Jazz history and education website.
Performing Arts Reading Room
The Library of Congress resource page for the performing arts. Includes information on copyright.
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
The official website of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum.
World Music Central
A comprehensive site featuring reviews, articles, and much more from the world music scene.
Access to thousands of musical performances and other videos.
Petroleum Technology
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Subject Search Terms
Oil and gas
The name of the company you are researching such as: Exxon or Walmart (this is good for the Principles of Management class).
The name of a person such as: Sam Walton or Steve Jobs (this is good for the Leadership class as well as the Principles of Management class).
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
Business Source Complete
Use this database for Leadership (BMGT2309) and Principles of Management (BMGT1327).
Information such as GNP and TBPD and much more for countries all over the world! Look at this one!
A to Z Maps Online
Another database that has surprising amounts of information about things that are of interest to those in the Petroleum Technology industry, such as geological information.
Internet Resources
Websites of important Petroleum Technology publications have the most recent developments in the field as well as links to free subscriptions:
Society of Petroleum Engineers
World Trends and Technology for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Suggested Subject Search Terms
Brain Science
Carl Jung
Developmental Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Intelligence Tests
Marriage and Family
Mood Disorders
Moral Development
Personality Psychology
Psychotropic Drugs
Sigmund Freud
NCTC provides subscriptions to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers and other credible sources of information through research databases.
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Suggested Databases
EBSCOHost eBook Collection
Browse over 950 academic titles in psychology, or search for a specific psychology topic in our comprehensive eBook collection.
Internet Resources
AllPsych is one of the largest and most comprehensive psychology websites available. It includes a timeline of the history of psychology, biographies of important people in psychology, and information on careers in psychology.
APA - Monitor on Psychology
On this website you can read the American Psychological Association's monthly magazine "Monitor on Psychology" for free. Learn about the issues psychologists are dealing with today.
Assessment Psychology
Assessment Psychology is one of the premier websites for information on psychological testing. It includes resources for students, patients, therapists, and educators.
BehaveNet - Full Text of the DSM-IV-TR
BehaveNet provides the full text of the DSM-IV-TR online for free. Be aware that the DSM-V is now in use and many diagnostic criteria have changed between these two editions. Publishers and editors of the DSM-V have decided to not allow any free full text republications online.
Cogprints is an archive of academic papers that are relevant to the study of cognition (how we know or perceive something). Included are papers in the field of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, philosophy, biology, medicine, and anthropology. Click "Browse by Subject" to find articles by subject area.
ITS Psychology Dictionary & Glossary for Students
The ITS Psychology Dictionary & Glossary defines over 1,200 terms in psychology and neuroscience. It also includes information about important pioneers in the field of psychology.
The MentalHelp website provides overviews of mental disorders and mental health issues currently in the news. You can also find information on wellness, how physical health affects mental health, and information on effective treatments and interventions.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
The National Alliance on Mental Illness is a national non-profit organization dedicated to de-stigmatizing mental illnesses and furthering meaningful research for effective therapies and coping strategies. The NAMI website has an abundance of educational resources on all types of mental illnesses.
National Institute of Mental Health
The National Institute of Mental Health provides up-to-date news and information on mental health - from educational resources and outreach services to research on psychotropic drugs and the brain, the NIMH has it all.
Social Psychology Network
The Social Psychology Network is the largest website on the Internet devoted to social psychology.
TED Talks - Psychology
Watch noted psychologists and researchers explain important psychological concepts and discuss new breakthroughs on the TED Talks Psychology web page.
Yale Courses - Introduction to Psychology with Paul Bloom
This series of 20 videos from Yale University presents a comprehensive introduction to the study of the human mind. These videos cover neuroscience, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and clinical psychology.
Public Speaking
Below are lists of authoritative sources available, such as books available at the NCTC Libraries and internet resources.
Search the Catalog. Use the NCTC Library catalog to search all NCTC campuses for books, DVDs, and more. Search by keyword, subject, series, title, or author. The call number and location indicate where the item is located.
Because Public Speaking usually covers a broad spectrum of subjects, the search term you use in the Catalog search box depends upon your speech topic. If there are no results on the first search, try a synonym, or word that means the same thing.
Example: For the topic of Recycling, a search of "trash" or "garbage" might reveal additional items that a simple "recycling" did not. And visa versa.
Due to the general nature of speech topics, any of the library databases might be the one for you. Here are a few suggestions to use as a starting place for your research:
Note: These links only work ON-CAMPUS. To access the databases off-campus, go the Library Databases page within MyNCTC.
Use this database to discover economic, environmental, political, and cultural information about most countries in the world.
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Both sides of important issues are represented in interesting and up-to-date articles from assorted sources. This is a good place to start for "controversial" topic speeches.
Internet Resources
Instructor Recommended Websites
American Rhetoric
Featuring full-text, audio, and video clips of the top 100 significant speeches of the 20th century, movie speeches, and an Online Speech Bank database of over 5000 speeches, sermons, lectures, debates, etc.
Find important quotations for that introduction and/or conclusion.
We have included links to external sites that, in the opinion of the library staff, may prove useful or informative to you. These external sites are for the user's convenience only and NCTC/NCTC Libraries assume no responsibility for the content of linked external sites. Neither does a linkage constitute sponsorship of these sites or their content. Final evaluation of the accuracy or usefulness of these sites is the responsibility of the user. Any information obtained from these sources should be considered only after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, efficacy, and timeliness.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of reproductions of copyrighted material; the user is liable for any infringement. For more information about copyright law, the rights of copyright owners, and the right of fair use to make limited copies for teaching, research, and study, visit the website of the United States Copyright Office.