Interlibrary Loan
NCTC Libraries can borrow materials on your behalf from other libraries across the country via Interlibrary Loan (aka ILL). Interlibrary loan services are available to NCTC Library users at no charge. All requests must fall within accepted interlibrary loan standards and copyright regulations.
The best way to submit an ILL request is through Direct Request. Direct Request can be performed either through WorldCat FirstSearch or through WorldCat Discovery. See the videos below for directions on how to use Direct Request.
To use Direct Request via remote access you will need to know your Network ID and Password.
Access WorldCat Discovery
ILL Tips
Always allow at least two (2) weeks for delivery.
You may not request any materials owned by any NCTC Library.
You may not request textbooks through Interlibrary Loan.
Some libraries do not loan media items (CD, DVD, VHS, etc.). Allow for extra time to acquire these items.
Renewals of ILL items are only given with the permission of the lending library. Please allow three (3) business days to request a renewal.